Firefox Home

We have all used Mozilla Firefox, one of the best web browsers ever to be made, and a personal favorite of mine (although Google Chrome is not so bad either). If you have not used Firefox, then you sorely need to, even one time will do, and then you probably will make it your main … Continue reading

Jobs is Dead

For those of you without a life, good job, I am referring to Friedrich Nietzsche. lolwut? Okay, I’m just kidding (about the first part). And no, I am not trying to make Steve Jobs look like God…well, only metaphorically, if God can, sometimes, be a real a**. And for those of you that thought of … Continue reading


For years, there has been debate on which operating system is the best. Windows, Mac, or Linux? or The PC is always professional, but bulky. However, it gets everything done efficiently. The Mac is portrayed as being cool, and looking good. Linux is usually just a WTF, the one that sticks out, but can do … Continue reading

AT&T and Apple – No More VIP Treatment?

Do you have issues with AT&T and Apple? So much that you cry yourself to sleep every night while holding a Verizon phone and an iPhone, and wondering why they aren’t the same thing? Well, I don’t. I have an iPod touch. Who buys two perfectly good phones? Yet for the sake of those that do said action above, there might still be hope.

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